Marahau, New Zealand and hiking the Abel Tasman Track

In America we have hiking trails, in New Zealand “tracks” are their equivalent. The Abel Tasman Track is the most used track in the country. We wanted to hike a section of the 54 k (33 mi.) track, so we got tickets for a water taxi to take us to Anchorage Bay the first stop at the track’s southern terminus. Passengers are loaded into the boats right at the water taxi headquarters in Marahu, then a tractor pulls the people-loaded boat down the road, onto the beach and right into the water.   

The water taxi in Marahau starts on land and you’re driven right into the water.

The captain took us past the famous Split Apple Rock and a seal colony on Adele Island. Then we waded off the boat and onto Anchorage Bay on the Abel Tasman Trail. 


Anchorage Bay

Along this part of track there are numerous places where you can access the a beach. 

Its easy to see the next beach from the trail above.
 We stopped at two, Atkerson Bay and Apple Tree Bay, swam and chilled before getting back on the track, after 4 hours we’d hiked 12.4 km (7.7 miles) back to the water taxi place in Marahau where we started. The trail is fool-proof, there’s no way to get lost, it’s hilly but a flat surface overall and easily hiked.